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Time for a tea break

Time for a tea break

A new study of 2000 employees found that 44% claimed they were too busy to take tea breaks at work, prompting concerns about burnout amid the pressures of the modern workplace. Psychologist Honey Langcaster-James, who assisted tea company Tetley with the study, expressed concerns that failing to take regular tea breaks could be counter-productive: “Research has indicated time and time again that striking a balance by taking short breaks during the working day increases people’s productivity and creativity,” she said. “Whereas in the past taking a tea break was seen as a valuable social activity in the office, it’s now beginning to be seen as an unnecessary indulgence and waste of productive work time.” Tetley’s study noted that 44% of workers said they felt re-energised after a tea break and the average employee has four cups a day.

A fifth of those surveyed said they took fewer tea breaks at work than five years ago, but the desire for a cuppa and a short respite remained the same. “The social aspect of the workplace tea break also serves to strengthen bonds between co-workers and increase feelings of wellbeing,” adds Honey Langcaster-James. Accountancy recruitment specialist, Sam Holt suggests that making a brew is a great way to get acquainted with new colleagues: “When our candidates start a new job we send them a light-hearted card with a teabag inside, inviting them to have a cuppa on us,” said Norwich-based Sam, who recruits for temporary and permanent accountancy jobs in Norfolk. “Its important to understand the workplace culture and expectations around tea breaks – offering to pop the kettle on at a suitable moment is a great way to break the ice with your new workmates,” he advises.

Tetley’s research showed that 40% of bosses never make a cuppa for their team, despite the fact that encouraging a short spell away from the desk can increase productivity and boost staff relations. “If your new accountancy job is a management role, showing your staff that you support them in taking regular breaks from their screens is great for fostering team morale and building loyalty,” advises Sam.

Top tips for a productive tea break:

  1. Leave your desk for a brew – moving away from your work for a few moments will leave you properly refreshed on your return
  2. No matter how busy you are, take time for a break. Research suggests that taking a break can boost productivity which is vital when you’re up against it
  3. A friendly atmosphere is important for workplace wellbeing – making time to take a break with colleagues helps to keep relationships strong
  4. Strike a balance between tea maker and tea taker – otherwise you may not be seen to be pulling your weight
  5. Take time to listen to your colleagues’ requests – adding milk to the tea of your dairy intolerant manager isn’t going to win you any friends

For more advice and support to secure your new accountancy job in Norfolk contact Sam Holt today :-

t: 01603 516254
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